Share Federal taxesWhere to live Is climate migration starting along the US coast? Living where they live is increasingly difficult, and they’re moving. Are similar pressures in store for you? The. . .Read More Dec 19
Share Federal taxesHousing and property Will Washington still spend for climate resilience? The federal government may no longer help to slow global warming. Will they continue to pay to. . .Read More Nov 16
Share AttitudesFederal taxesTiming Advocacy, turning from prevention to protection? Mitigation hit a wall Tuesday. Climate hawks may shift their focus to Adaptation. Two days after the. . .Read More Nov 10
Share AttitudesFederal taxesState & local taxesWhere to live Red-blue split on climate in your town? Global warming is paralyzing Congress. Can you keep your town nimble? There’s bad news for those hoping. . .Read More Sep 15
Share Federal taxesState & local taxesVulnerability The courts – out ahead again Should we be campaigning for judges harder than for legislators? With federal and state lawmakers frozen solid for over a. . .Read More Aug 19
Share Federal taxesVulnerability Warming and stagflation Warming produces stagflation, which will render monetary policy a two-edged sword. Aug 8
Share Federal taxes Another tax cost of warming hanging over us To climate-proof our nation’s assets and security, the longer we wait the more we pay. We. . .Read More Jul 22
Share Energy costsFederal taxes Carbon tax stirrings could boost oil prices Three recent events suggest the chances for a US carbon tax have improved. Jun 24
Share Federal taxesFood costs Social unrest predicted soon from climate change in tropics A new study says climate change will impact cities near the equator first - and soon. . .Read More Oct 10
Share Federal taxesHousing and propertyWhere to live Flood insurance – growing risks, subsidized premiums FEMA's revised maps show dramatic expansion of flood plains. Families aren't insured for flood unless they. . .Read More Aug 8