Share Housing and propertyVulnerability What a climate-proof town looks like Houston and Tampa should raise the question: Is my town any more climate-proof? Media coverage of Houston. . .Read More Sep 12
Share State & local taxesVulnerabilityWhere to live Which is your city’s least climate-proof neighborhood? You’d think it would be the low-lying oceanfront areas! Not according to the Social Vulnerability Index. As Hurricane Irma. . .Read More Sep 9
Share VulnerabilityAttitudes A preview of your climate disaster costs What’s that sucking sound you’re hearing this weekend? Climate disaster costs that can hollow out your finances. Unless. . .Read More Aug 25
Share Federal taxesHousing and property Flood insurance – receding soon? Show the neighborhood how it will look underwater. If you want to motivate your hometown to protect against. . .Read More Aug 22
Share Where to liveEnergy costs Does your state help you benefit from solar? Your State Capitol can help you climate-proof your energy costs. Or it can stand in your way. The cost. . .Read More Aug 18
Share News about us Different look. Same useful information. Helping you dodge risks and reduce your costs from climate change. You’re the same savvy reader. We’re the. . .Read More Aug 14
Share Jobs & education How climate-resistant is your job? What industries should you be looking at? Or steering your kids toward? It may pay to invest in a. . .Read More Aug 7
Share Attitudes Climate change is now more personal Yes, we need to protect the world. But you need to protect YOUR world. We know that studies,. . .Read More Aug 4
Share Food costs Rent a wall against rising food costs Storms, droughts, heat waves? Not in your garden. Entertaining friends this weekend? The FarmWall could double. . .Read More Aug 2
Share State & local taxes Stormwater control cuts costs of pollution Keep your source water clean to keep your tap water costs down. Climate change means rainstorms are more. . .Read More Jul 29