Share Federal taxesWhere to live Where to live to lower your federal taxes You’ve heard this from me for years: For many of us, climate change will soon make. . .Read More Jan 14
Share Federal taxes It’s like printing money! A new economic theory just might help protect American hometowns faster. Spending to climate-proof our communities?. . .Read More Jun 15
Share Federal taxesState & local taxesTransportation costs The Florida bridge collapse spotlights a big danger. Can you see what it is? Fix what we’ve got now, or build what we’ll need soon? A pedestrian overpass at Florida International. . .Read More May 16
Share State & local taxesFederal taxesWhere to live Climate protection litigation: more effective than activism Washington and state and local governments are slow to act. Your local courthouse may be your best hope. . .Read More Nov 13
Share Federal taxes Can climate resilience infrastructure be public/private projects? No. Washington’s current infrastructure philosophy is unsuited for our climate resilience needs. It’s October and, like me, you. . .Read More Oct 24
Share Federal taxesHousing and property Flood insurance – receding soon? Show the neighborhood how it will look underwater. If you want to motivate your hometown to protect against. . .Read More Aug 22
Share Federal taxesState & local taxes Federal budget cuts disaster relief Want help with climate disaster risks? Congress prefers to protect us from a different hazard. This morning House Republicans announced their. . .Read More Jul 18
Share Federal taxesWhere to live How moving can lower your federal income tax Federal tax rates are the same for everyone, right? So how could your federal taxes be lower. . .Read More Apr 27
Share Federal taxesState & local taxesTransportation costs Which infrastructure projects should we want? What’s the cost of building new stuff compared to repairing what we have? We may soon see an. . .Read More Jan 24
Share Federal taxesHousing and property Insure your neighborhood against flooding Some of these homes can’t find the money for repairs. What happens to the neighborhood? . . .Read More Jan 23