Share Housing and propertyState & local taxes A cheaper way to resist wave impact and erosion Oyster-attracting surfaces are being scattered along the waterfront of Providence, RI. One purpose is to act as. . .Read More Aug 6
Share State & local taxesTransportation costs Save money. Rip up some streets. Gravel is cheaper than asphalt, and well-graded gravel is easier on cars than potholed asphalt. With worsening summer temperatures speeding up road decay, and worsening. . .Read More Jul 31
Share Health costsState & local taxes Municipal response plans for heat waves It’s 98º in Boston, 108º in Phoenix. Is your city helping its residents? Cooling centers in public. . .Read More Jul 25
Share Housing and propertyState & local taxes Armor (the right kind) against sea-level rise, storm surge Soft defenses (think wetlands, vegetation) defend the shore more cheaply and effectively from storm surge and sea-level. . .Read More Jul 12
Share Energy costsState & local taxes Sacramento cuts landfill costs, sells natural gas instead Collecting methane created from organic garbage not only reduces greenhouse gases, it reduces your municipal budget.. . .Read More Jul 6
Share Housing and propertyState & local taxesTiming Historic buildings could be swept away “Some historic buildings are not saveable in their current locations.” So says John Englander, author of High. . .Read More Jun 2
Share State & local taxesVulnerability The courts: our best defense against impacts of warming? The best tool to protect us against warming may be a hammer. A gavel, to be. . .Read More May 26
Share State & local taxesWhere to live A city dying of thirst? Seven costs. Long-term drought in Santa Cruz, CA is having many impacts on the personal finances of county. . .Read More Jun 28
Share InvestmentsState & local taxesWhere to live A city dying of thirst? The prequel. At about a 30% water shortage, residents predicted the city would deteriorate. 35% reductions have just. . .Read More Jun 28
Share Health costsJobs & educationState & local taxesWhere to live New: towns graded for retirees and young families Where-To-Live Reports now include summary grades for the priorities of young families and retirees. Jan 26