Local food boosted by shared kitchens
Local farmers can help climate-proof a town.
Local food producers can do even more.
The problem: would-be makers of meals, baked goods, products in cans or jars, (and most important, desserts!) can’t sell their goodies unless prepared in licensed and inspected kitchens – prohibitively expensive for most.
The solution: share underutilized kitchens in churches, schools, restaurants, and community centers. Maybe create a kitchen just for sharing. Yellow Springs, OH is working on this, as are others. There’s even an airbnb-like app for kitchens in the works!
Beyond just kitchens, sharing commissaries, processors, co-packers, or food storage spaces can make those underutilized assets in the community more efficient, while at the same time creating local food resilience. (Did I mention desserts?)