Share LATESTHousing and propertyState & local taxes Coastal living becoming doubly risky? Relief for victims of hurricane Sandy suggests coastal residents are likely to see too little too. . .Read More Sep 17
Share Federal taxesState & local taxes Federal budget cuts disaster relief Want help with climate disaster risks? Congress prefers to protect us from a different hazard. This morning House Republicans announced their. . .Read More Jul 18
Share State & local taxes A Chief Resilience Officer in your city’s future? The difference between municipal lip service and actually creating a climate-proof city . . . . .. . .Read More Nov 13
Share Housing and property Your neighbors’ insurance policies protect you Sure, insurance helps those who get their claims paid. But the rest of us benefit too.. . .Read More Aug 19
Share Federal taxesHousing and propertyWhere to live Flood insurance – growing risks, subsidized premiums FEMA's revised maps show dramatic expansion of flood plains. Families aren't insured for flood unless they. . .Read More Aug 8