Share Energy costsFederal taxes Gas tax proposed by oil company president Is this the first step toward government effort to reduce the nation's dependence on gasoline? Even. . .Read More Mar 30
Share AttitudesFederal taxesHousing and property Our grandchildren will know If America isn't going to fight climate change, the least Americans can do is to change. . .Read More Mar 16
Share AttitudesFederal taxes Social Security – an allowance from our kids Almost more important than what Social Security reform looks like is when it goes into effect.. . .Read More Jan 26
Share Federal taxes Lucy van Pelt goes to Washington, part 2 If the President's bipartisan commission can't agree on recommendations, what chance does Congress have to prevent. . .Read More Dec 14
Share Federal taxes Lucy van Pelt goes to Washington, part 1 Will our DC decision-makers protect us from the dangers economists predict from the next ten years'. . .Read More Dec 6
Share Federal taxes Here, go balance the federal budget yourself Taking a personal cleaver to the US budget deficit goes a long way to educating us. Nov 16
Share Federal taxesVulnerability Alternatives to existing forms of government predicted Pressures created by Peak Oil over the next 10 years may result in less democratic forms. . .Read More Nov 10
Share Federal taxesJobs & education The least effective way to boost employment The best way to create jobs is to get money to those who are sure to. . .Read More Nov 7
Share Federal taxes Will America now tackle its budget deficit? I’m told the federal deficit will start cramping my family’s financial situation soon. Oct 26
Share Energy costsFederal taxesVulnerability Peak Oil acknowledgment from the Pentagon The US military confirms the “ominous” likelihood of “a severe energy crunch.” Oct 18