Share Food costsHousing and propertyState & local taxes Fighting drought in, yes, New England Drought from falling aquifers is mostly in the West, right? Not this year! Check out some. . .Read More Oct 14
Share State & local taxesWhere to live A city dying of thirst? Seven costs. Long-term drought in Santa Cruz, CA is having many impacts on the personal finances of county. . .Read More Jun 28
Share InvestmentsState & local taxesWhere to live A city dying of thirst? The prequel. At about a 30% water shortage, residents predicted the city would deteriorate. 35% reductions have just. . .Read More Jun 28
Share AttitudesFederal taxesInvestmentsVulnerability The loneliness of the long-distance pundit Would you watch a news show that just reported on long-term, distant-impact trends - the stuff. . .Read More Nov 17
Share Food costsWhere to live Keeping water safe – or just keeping it The Colorado River and the Ogallala aquifer are both drying up. Today they supply much of. . .Read More Feb 16