Share AttitudesTiming Adapting to the climate in Washington Slowing climate change became far less likely last night. But there are still ways to protect ourselves from its. . .Read More Nov 9
Share State & local taxesTransportation costs Is public transportation deprecated? Some measures to climate-proof our lives will need government. But for transportation, it’s likely to be the opposite. When. . .Read More Oct 30
Share Housing and propertyState & local taxes Finally, official flood-mapping looks ahead Flood maps aren’t just for mortgage lenders anymore. They’re for planners (like you and me). Thousands of. . .Read More Oct 24
Share Food costs An Airbnb for vegetable gardens Growing your own vegetables is – growing! And doing so with others is growing even faster.. . .Read More Oct 20
Share Food costsHousing and propertyState & local taxes Fighting drought in, yes, New England Drought from falling aquifers is mostly in the West, right? Not this year! Check out some. . .Read More Oct 14
Share Housing and propertyVulnerability Matthew reminds us: flood insurance rates set to jump Washington’s flood insurance “relief” bill expires September 2017. Good for taxpayers; scary for housing markets. A while. . .Read More Oct 7
Share Vulnerability Climate-Proof book available today Dozens of threats to our family finances and life plans. Scores of ideas for protecting ourselves. . .Read More Sep 26
Share AttitudesFederal taxesState & local taxesWhere to live Red-blue split on climate in your town? Global warming is paralyzing Congress. Can you keep your town nimble? There’s bad news for those hoping. . .Read More Sep 15
Share Jobs & education A workers’ coop can help climate-proof its members As the personal costs of climate change begin to bite, greater sacrifices may need to be made to live. . .Read More Sep 15
Share Food costs Local food boosted by shared kitchens Local farmers can help climate-proof a town. Local food producers can do even more. The problem: would-be makers of. . .Read More Sep 6