Share State & local taxes A Chief Resilience Officer in your city’s future? The difference between municipal lip service and actually creating a climate-proof city . . . . .. . .Read More Nov 13
Share Energy costsFood costsHealth costsHousing and propertyInvestmentsJobs & educationTransportation costsVulnerability A simple life is hard to imagine. Here’s one way. Lost driver: “Can you tell me how to get to Union Grove?” Roadside farmer: “No. But. . .Read More Jul 10
Share Energy costs Could conservation become a Conservative cause? The Congress needs to act on climate change - we should push our legislators towards a. . .Read More Aug 7
Share Federal taxesJobs & education The deficit drops. Now can Washington help create jobs? With the deficit dropping dramatically, can our resilient government now create jobs, improve education, fight CO2,. . .Read More May 21
Share Federal taxesState & local taxes Pits and piles There are money pits America needs to fill. There are money piles we might use. America. . .Read More Jul 18
Share Energy costs Global warming cheerleaders? For many who are expecting to be Raptured, global warming seems like part of God's will.. . .Read More Jul 5
Share Jobs & education Was human reason never meant for seeking truth? Scientists see evidence that human reason is weak when applied to finding the truth, but strong. . .Read More Jun 20
Share AttitudesHealth costsState & local taxes We can learn to do with less Federal budget cuts will be like your local store going out of business but continuing to. . .Read More Apr 19
Share Energy costsFederal taxes Gas tax proposed by oil company president Is this the first step toward government effort to reduce the nation's dependence on gasoline? Even. . .Read More Mar 30
Share Jobs & education Ja, es ist die globale Erwärmung Global warming believers and skeptics have different emotional approaches. Why? Feb 18